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Office Support Navigation

What is Office Support Navigation and which advantages does it offer?

As a pilot project, Office Support Navigation is supposed to help organizational units in the induction process for new secretarial, assistant and administrative processing staff. 

Complementing the task-specific requirements in the organizational unit itself, the Office Support Navigator provides initial orientation for new employees. 

Benefits for the organizational units:

New skilled professionals are accompanied and supported by our Navigator in fulfilling their diverse tasks and requirements during the introductory phase of their employment.

Important: Office Support Navigation does not replace the introductory training in the respective organizational unit!

Benefits for employees:

The support of our Navigator helps to gain confidence and orientation in everyday working life at TU Dortmund University:

  • During the orientation phase, you will get to know the structures of TU Dortmund University and the multifaceted campus.
  • For improved integration, you receive targeted support in knowledge management of the diversity of tasks.
  • We offer you a platform to exchange ideas and network with your new colleagues.







Your Office Support Navigator:

Daniela Jacobs

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