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Educational leave

This is what you should know about educational leave:

Educational leave is paid time off from work for the purpose of professional and/or political further education in approved educational training events. The Employee Further Education Law for North Rhine-Westphalia (Arbeitnehmerweiterbildungsgesetz, AWbG), pffers employees who work in North Rhine-Westphalia the opportunity to take up to five days of educational leave per year.

Applications for educational leave must be submitted to the employer six weeks prior the start of the training event.


If you would loke to apply for educational leave...

please contact your supervisor first.

Documents to be submitted:

Please send the completed form, signed by the superior, together with the above-mentioned documents to be submitted per email to weiterbildungtu-dortmundde. The application must be submitted to the employer in good time (at least 6 weeks before the start of the training event). The documents must show that the organizer is an educational institution recognized by the state of NRW in accordance with Section 10 AWbG and that the event is an employee training program in accordance with section 9 AWbG. You can obtain this evidence from the organizer of the training measure.


Notes on the transfer of educational leave entitlements

You can transer your entitlement to educational leave (generally 5 days in case of an employment with a five-day working week) from the current year to the following year. Please do not hestitate to contact Mr. Behrendt, Dept. 3.3, for more information.

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