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Management feedback

After an inital survey was conducted in 2015 and the results were presented in 2016, a new survey will be conducted in 2021 as part of an executive feedback program.

In this management feedback, the employees of the university administration, the offices, the IT & Media Center (ITMC), the University Library (UB), the Center for Higher Education (ZHB), the Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer (CET) and the central workshops of TU Dortmund University evaluate their respective superiors. Depending on the management structure of the organizational unit, the next higher superior may also be evaluated. Executives are also evaluated by ther respective superiors-

All managers also submit a self-assesment, which is used to compare their self-assesment with the assesment of the others. The results of this survey provide information and insights on both and individual and a structural-systemic basis.

The anonymity and absolute confidentiality of the individual data within the framework of the feedback (data collection - evaluation - transmission of the results) are garanteed.

Eight areas of leadership compentence are assessed. These are:

  • Decision-making behavior
  • Delegation
  • Control
  • Motivational behavior
  • Communication behavior
  • Personality and function as role model
  • Design of framework conditions

The anonymized results of this feedback and the insights gained from it should be communicated promptly to all those involved the the feedback process - i. e. mangaers, employees and organizational units.

A study by the management consulting firm McKinsey (cf. Feser, C; Nielsen, N; rennie, M (2017): What's Missing in Leadership Development, MCKinsey Quarterly, August 2017) found, among other things, that a transfer-oriented learning architecture that focuses on the application of the intended leadership behavior is responsible for the sustainable success of leadership development. Therefore, toghether with you and in constructive and committed manner we would like to initiate and implement the necessary changes during the phase of deriving and implementing measures.

Please be curious, critical and creative, because one thing is already certain:
Management feedback only works with you and your employees.


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