
The competene-compass-secretariat of TU Dortmund University supperts the employees in the university secretary's offices for upcoming challenges and contributes to the transparency of the qualification profile for the administrative tasks in the secretary's office of the university.
It serves as a pilot for the offers of further training and continuing education and shoud thus, among other things, optimize the onboarding and contribute to the networking and establishment of advisory structures woth co-workers.
The training courses are divided into different areas of competence ( e. g. work and office organization, IT, etc.).
The training is carried out by the in-house training department and in cooperation with external providers such as HÜF or MontCenis (seminar example: "How does higher education work?" - HÜF).
If you have any questions, suggestions or requests for individual support, please contact Ms. Aileen Fischer at +49 231 755 2778 or via e-mail.