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TU Dortmund University attaches great importance to promoting young talent - not only in research and teaching, but also in administrative and supporting work areas. Within the framework of an internship, you are offered a versatile learning and working environment in various professional fields. This gives you the opportunity to prepare yourself personally and professionally for a successful start of your career.TU Dortmund University attaches great importance to promoting young talent - not only in research and teaching, but also in administrative and supporting work areas. Within the framework of an internship, you are offered a versatile learning and working environment in various professional fields. This gives you the opportunity to prepare yourself personally and professionally for a successful start of your career.

Possible internships at the TU Dortmund University

In order to help pupils choose a profession and give them the opportunity to get to know TU Dortmund University as a training institution and employer, we offer school internships in these training professions.

It is also possible to complete your internship at a scientific department.

Please inform yourself in advance which training occupation or department interests you and remember to apply early, as only a limited number of internships are available. The ideal time to apply for a school internship is three to four months before the internship begins.

Do you have to complete a mandatory internship as part of your studies? At TU Dortmund University, we offer internships especially in the following areas:

  • University administration
  • Section Legal Affairs (for legal interns as part of their law studies)
  • Central service facilities
  • Scientific departments

Do you have to complete a mandatory internship as part of your professional qualification? At TU Dortmund University, we offer internships especially in the following areas:

  • University administration
  • Central service facilities
  • Scientific departments

If you are interested in an internship at TU Dortmund University, please send us a convincing motivation letter stating the area(s) you are interested in and the (usually already specified) period of time, a short curriculum vitae (CV) respectively resume as well as your school certificate and professional references (for pupils, the last school report is sufficient). If available, please also enclose a certificate stating that the internship is mandatory.

Then we are going to use this information to check whether we can offer you a suitable internship position.

Please send your application documents (if possible all documents in one PDF file) to: praktikumtu-dortmundde.

Currently, internship applications with a start date from 01.06.2021 are being processed and reviewed. Due to the current Corona situation, commitments continue to be made only with reservations.

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