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Leadership priciples


                                                     Leadership principles of TU Dortmund University
                                               for the University Administration and Centran Units

The managers of the administration represent TU Dortmund University in their function and act as service-oriented partners of science.
The following principles represent a commitment the employees of TU Dortmund University and are binding for us as managers of the administration.

We have high standarts of quality and competence.
We are aware of our function as role models.

We make decisions in a decisive, structured and comprehensive manner.
We bear the responsibility for our decisions and our area of activities.

Motivatioin and encouragement are the hallmarks of our daily work.
We treat our employees with respect, trust and appreciation.
We encourage them to continue their education and training.

We ensure an open flow of information and promote internal communication, while maintaining the necessary confidentiality.
We take the time to talk and also create space for personal discussions.

We question and develop our leadership behavior.
We are open to feedback and criticism.
We deal openly with mistakes.
We are authentic and objective in our professional interactions.

We ask our fellow employees to support us in implementing these leadership principles in order to ensure a strong university admonistration.

The managers
of the University Administration, TU Dortmund University

November 2017
