Health Offers
Which Health Offers Are Available at TU Dortmund University?
TU Dortmund University wishes to provide its employees with a healthy working environment. Thus, the following health offers aim at a health-promoting design of the working conditions as well as a health-oriented behavior of the staff members at the workplaces:

- Specific further training and continuing education: Health as a key topic
- Management development: Leadership as a health factor
- Specific health offers for trainees and apprentices
- Offers of the Office of University Sports and the gym on campus (Fitnessförderwerk)
- Pausenexpress - the little break at the workplace with active movement character
- Relaxation break – time-out with brief relaxation techniques
- Mobile massage (massage offer at the workplace)
- Comprehensive counseling offers, e.g. psychological counseling, counseling on workplace ergonomics, counseling on compatibility family and career/work
- Employee satisfaction workgroups (Zufriedenheitszirkel): Employees collaboratively work out solutions for improving work conditions
- Occupational health care
- Influenza vaccination
- Occupational Rehabilitation Management (Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement, BEM)
- Various screening offers for employees
- Health offers on demand