Further training and continuing education
Further training and continuing educatin is an element of personnel qualification and one of the tasks of personnel development. The office for further training and continuing education at TU Dortmund University provides information on a wide range of high-quality events. In addition to further training and continuing education offers taging place in-house, there are a number of external offers too, some of which are very job-specific, about which we are happy to provide information and fpr which you can register on this page.
If you have any questions, do not hestitate to contact the team of further training and continuing education at TU Dortmund University via the e-mail adress weiterbildung@tu-dortmund.de.
Here you can register for further training and continuing education
Here you will find the current program of internal trainings and continuing education offers.
From now on, registration for these events will only take place online using the registration form for internal further training and coninuing education in the ServicePortal.
To faciliate the registration process, two processing aids for the registration form are available in the ServicePortal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the team of further training and coninuing education via e-mail at weiterbildungtu-dortmundde.
Event Programs
Inter-University Training (HÜF)
Program Registration
Training Academy of the Ministry of the Interior (Mont Cenis)
Program Registration
IT Training and further education
Program Registration
University Information Systems (HIS)
Program Registration
Unfallkasse NRW (UK-NRW)
Program Registration
Program Registration
External registration form:
other providers
Programm Registration
Employees of the administration of the TU Dortmund University:
For continuing education and training events whose costs exceed EUR 1000.00, please also fill out the form Supplement to Registration.
Please note:
- If you register for events outside the scope of in-house further and continuing education, please indicate from which funds these event and potentially travel expenses are to be paid.
- For registration to events of the Inter-University Training (Hochschulübergreifende Fortbildung, HÜF) and the Training Academy of the Ministry of the Interior (Fortbildungsakademie des Innenmisteriums, MontCenis) , only the first page of the registration form needs to e returned to the team of further training and coninuing education.
All other pages of the document contain privacy notices and are intended solely for the participant's perusal and acknowledgement, so they can be kept.
Please help saving paper by reading the privacy notice carefully and printing only the first page.
For use:
Registration forms should generally be printed out, signed by the superior and then sent to the team of further training and coninuing education, department 3.3. You are welcome to send just the scanned copy via e-mail to weiterbildungtu-dortmundde. Please do not send the form directly to the seminar provider!
Information on the business trip application:
The application form for business trips is already integrated in the downloadable registration form, so you do not need to submit an additional application. This applies to all travel arrangements of all providers.
General information on travel expense impairment:
Information on travel expense reimbursement can be found in the information sheet on travel expense reimbusement.
Note for participants with hearing impairment:
You can borrow an FM system for the internal training courses that take place at the ZHB, Hohe Str. 141. You can find information on the use of the equipment and the conditions for borrowing it by clicking on the following link: Info FM system.
Note on cancellation:
In the event that you have registered for an event and have also received admission, but you are unable to attend for a variety of reasons (such as illness, vacation, business or other reasons), please let us know withour delay. This is the only way we can gibe other interested parties the opportunity to take you place at short notice. We are also dependent on your timely notification in order to manage the training budget economically.
Establishment Agreement on further training and continuing education:
Further training and continuing education is governed by the establishment agreement on further training and continuing education. You can download it here: PDF